April 31, 2023

The Organizational Disparities Laboratory in collaboration with Dr. Chance Lewis of The Urban Education Collaborative hosted the 2023 Hilliard-Sizemore Research Course in Chicago, Illinois.
During the one-day course, 59 participants were exposed to the fundamentals of developing a research agenda and career focused on conducting research on African American populations in education.
The Asa G. Hilliard III and Barbara A. Sizemore Research Course on African Americans and Education is an annual event that pairs early career scholars and advanced graduate students directly with some of the most respected researchers in the field to explore questions and methods related to the experiences of African Americans in education.
2023 presenters included:
Gloria Ladson-Billings, PhD
James L. Moore, III, PhD
Fred A. Bonner, II, EdD
Brian A. Burt, PhD
Jamal Watson, PhD
Sheneka Williams, EdD
Krystal Williams, PhD
Adriel Hilton, PhD
Kelly Slay, PhD
Thank you to all who participated in the 2023 Hilliard-Sizemore Research Course and our generous co-sponsor, Educational Testing Services (ETS).
View the 2023 course agenda and event photos on the Hilliard-Sizemore website and join our e-newsletter to receive updates about the 2024 course!